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Construction sites of unique purpose


Museum depository "the Russian Museum of Ethnography"

PSG has finished design work of the building of the Museum depository "the Russian Museum of Ethnography"; the construction is finished. The museum depository stores exhibit items of the collections "Povozhje" and "Ukraine".

The Russian Museum of Ethnography is one of the biggest ethnography museums of Europe. The depository collects cultural artefacts of 157 Eurasian nations (the former territory of the Russian Empire). The clothes collection of the museum allows to present a complex view on the culture and the way of life not only of big nations but also of small, which population is less than one-two hundred people.

The main part of exhibit items is dated by XIX - beginning of the XX century. The artefacts allows to present the national activities, architecture, household, the ceremonial practice, religious beliefs, traditional practice of childrearing, samples of artworks.


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